Finally finished the first installment of my pay it forward stuff. Here they are:

A pair of fingerless gloves for starmadeshadow, about oooh, 16 months after the request. (And actually modelled on the hands they were made for.)
I might not be speedy, but I get there eventually :). These were super fun to knit, and I used Elle Elite, a wool / cotton blend. More details, including a link to the pattern on Ravelry. I really like the designer's stuff. I have done tons of other crafty stuff in the meantime, like the little cardigan I knitted for my daughter's teacher last April.

This was from an old magazine pattern, and one of the first things I've knitted using a wool, not an acrylic. I'm particularly proud of the strawberries cross-stitched on to the jersey. It's the first time I've done cross-stitch on knitting, and I think it worked really really well. I tried to make the strawberries match the so-cute buttons that I used. I really like the way the bright colours of the buttons and the decorations redeem the jersey from creamy blandness. I liked the texture of the block pattern too.

I used Jaegar baby merino that I bought on sale, and it feels sooo nice once it's knitted up. I have two more balls of a blue / cream mix to use which I may just use for own brand new baby. He needs a new hat.
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