So, I use iBurst. I've mentioned this politely. They still have not managed to solve their open relay problem, or even give me feedback on how its going. Tonight I'm emailing their customer support manager this:
Dear Mr Hall,
I have repeatedly reported this particular issue to your iburst technical help desk - with no luck. It seems they either don't understand the problem, are completely incapable of fixing the problem, or simply don't care.
Many of my friends use Livejournal (, a blogging site. Much of my personal online activity revolves around reading and commenting on these blogs. Unfortunately, Livejournal does not allow me to comment, when I am connecting via iBurst. This is NOT a setting on my pc. I am NOT running any kind of mailserver. I can post comments quite happily from the same unit through my work link, just not through iBurst.
I have reported this error at least three times, most recently around November the 14th. A customer service consultant did phone me after that, to tell me that they were working on the problem, and then.....nothing.
The problem is still occuring - it seems at least one of your relays is an open relay, so anyone accessing the internet via that relay is banned from commenting in an attempt to reduce spam. This has to be affecting more people than just me.
This is the error message I get while trying to upload comments to the livejournal site:
One or more errors occurred processing your request. Please go back, correct the necessary information, and submit your data again.
* Your IP address ( is detected as an open proxy (a common source of spam) so comment access is denied. If you do not believe you're accessing the net through an open proxy, please contact your ISP or this site's tech support to help resolve the problem.
This ip address resolves as:
Definately your problem.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
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I will get this investigated. You could also tell your web site not to block tihs IP address.
"Your website"?
On December 4th, Ed Hall replied to my email thusly:
Hi Stacey
Yes, the livejournal blogging site is likely to block our proxy, our
proxy is open and I can understand why they would block for spam.
I have copied in my Advanced Support Specialist who will be in touch.
I'm not sure what the answer is, other than getting livejournal to
'unblock' us.
I will be following up to attempt to discover why exactly, they run an open relay.
I resolved things by going the other way around, and asking LJ support to take my IP address off it's danger list. Worked like a charm. If iBurst keeps giving you trouble, try that.
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